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If Your Loved One With Autism Is the Victim of a Crime

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2014
2 pages
Advice is provided to family and friends of crime victims with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on the rights and resources for crime victims with ASD.
In most States, all crime victims have specific rights outlined in a State's constitution, laws, and regulations. In order to access these rights, victims with disabilities, including ASD, are entitled to accommodations that will enable them to understand and receive the benefits of these rights. A State's Victim Assistance Program addresses the crisis needs of victims and their families by connecting them to a network of community-based services. It is important to make connection with those services with expertise in the range of services that may be needed by victims with ASD. Among the services typically available for crime victims is the provision of compensation to crime victims for expenses incurred as a result of a crime. For victims with ASD, compensation may cover specialized counseling and support services beyond the scope of those needed by a crime victim without this disability. A listing of 12 resources