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Illegal Aliens: INS Participation in Antigang Task Forces in Los Angeles

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2000
74 pages
This report examines Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) participation in law enforcement task forces in Los Angeles, with emphasis on whether misconduct occurred during joint operations with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 1997 and 1998 and whether INS agents and funds were diverted to uses other than those assigned.
The report focused on antigang task forces and the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). Media reports regarding the antigang efforts focused on allegations that antigang officers in the LAPD’s Rampart Division physically abused suspects, framed suspects, or both and that they lied in court. Some media reports also intimated that LAPD Rampart officers circumvented city policy by colluding with INS to deport Hispanic immigrants. The review of the task forces used information collected through interviews with police, reviews of case files of aliens arrested or detained, and reviews of internal reports and financial records. Results revealed that the 124 case files lacked documentation regarding whether or not INS misconduct occurred, that many files lacked one or more required documents, and that other sources could not document any INS misconduct. However, a pending civil lawsuit names both LAPD and INS as defendants in relation to misconduct. The analysis of the INS participation in the OCDETF program revealed that the INS Los Angeles District office did not follow applicable guidance regarding personnel assignments and the use of funds. The Department of Justice has agreed to work with INS to implement the resulting recommendation for steps to ensure compliance with guidelines. Tables, footnotes, and appended background information


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