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Illegal Drug Activity in Nebraska

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This publication presents information on drug production, drug abuse, drug arrests, and other illicit drug activity in Nebraska in recent years; it also includes articles about domestic assault and summarizes future courses offered by the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center and videotapes added to the organization's library.
Marijuana, cocaine, and, in some communities, LSD, have been the drugs of choice in Nebraska over the past few years. Most marijuana in Nebraska grows wild, but the State also has some indoor operations that use modern technology. The Nebraska State Patrol operates a marijuana eradication program; the Nebraska Civil Air Patrol takes part. Illegal drug activities occur in all parts of the State, particularly in the more populous areas on major highway systems. The availability and demand for methamphetamine has increased rapidly in the last 2 years. Arrests for methamphetamine in the area have also increased significantly in the region. Clandestine drug laboratories have been involved in several fires and explosions. Hospitals do not keep statistics on cases related to methamphetamine, but they have reported increasing numbers of such cases. The other main article notes that the retroactive application of the Federal law that prohibits anyone convicted of domestic assault to own, carry, or transport a gun may result in the loss of jobs for some law enforcement personnel.


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