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Illinois Domestic Violence Act: A Victim Advocate's Manual

NCJ Number
C Peurye-hissong; C Davis; H Weinberg
Date Published
129 pages
This manual provides guidance for Illinois advocates who work with abused women in shelters, domestic violence programs, social service agencies, mental health centers, hospitals, clinics, and other organizations to which abused women may come for assistance.
The manual addresses questions that may be faced by advocates and specifically reviews the roles of all parties as described in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA). After detailing various aspects of domestic violence and the remedies available to its victims under the act, the manual provides guidelines for advocates to follow in working with police, State's attorneys, and the community at large. Although the manual's primary focus is on abused women, the provisions of the IDVA are equally applicable for abused men, children, and the elderly. One chapter provides a general overview of the plight of the abused woman, the responsibilities of the legal and criminal justice systems under the IDVA, the options and outcomes that the abused woman may experience, and the advocate's role in understanding and assisting her. Other chapters address in more detail the IDVA and the statutory roles and responsibilities of the police, State's attorneys, judges, and private attorneys. Extensive appended forms, sheets, and resources