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Illinois Municipal Jail and Lockup Standards

NCJ Number
Robert L. Crites; Stephen Morehead
Date Published
37 pages
This manual contains standards and procedures for the operation of municipal jails and lockups in Illinois that are intended to help municipal authorities provide security for communities, improve safety for institutional staff and confined persons, encourage efficient management, and upgrade the general condition of jails and jail operations throughout Illinois.
Jails and lockups represent a significant component of the criminal justice system. Offenders often receive their first confinement experience in such facilities, and the type of care and treatment they receive has a strong influence on their subsequent attitudes and adjustment. The standards and procedures therefore recognize the need for humane custodial care and treatment. They cover the legal authority to establish standards and exercise supervision over jails, the legal rights of accused persons while in custody, administration, use of jails, minimum physical standards, and minimum cell and detention room standards. The standards and procedures also deal with supervision, security, telephone and visits, food, sanitation, fire protection, emergency plans, detainee records, reports to jail and detention standards units, the use of force, juvenile detention, and new construction. The standards and procedures are implemented and authorized by Section 3-15-2 of the Illinois Unified Code of Corrections.


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