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Implementation of PL 94-142 in a Juvenile Correctional Facility (From Proceeding of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Correctional Education Association Conference, P 86-92, 1981 - See NCJ-85125)

NCJ Number
V E Maulfair; J C Spears
Date Published
7 pages
The Preston School of Industry, an institution of the California Youth Authority (CYA), has developed a program that implements the State plan for conforming to the requirements of Federal law PL 94-142, which mandates individualized education for handicapped persons.
A staff member identifies a student having trouble in the classroom, shop, or living unit, and sends a referral form to the school psychologist. Other means of referral are the file search of incoming wards and the wards themselves. As much information as possible is obtained on the referred ward. If it is determined that the ward should be given a full evaluation, he is contacted by the school psychologist or resource specialist and interviewed concerning his desire to participate in the testing, his perception of his needs, his educational background, and other pertinent information. Should the ward or his parents or guardian give permission for testing, it is conducted to include measures of ability, achievement, specific functioning level in math and reading, prevocational skills, independent living skills, perceptual-motor functioning and strength, and weakness in learning modality. When the testing and evaluation is complete, the Individualized Educational Program team assesses the information and determines if the ward qualifies for special services. For those admitted to the program, 60-day short-term objectives are composed by academic and vocational instructors. The ward remains in the program until paroled, until he is 22 years-old, until transferred to another institution, or until his functioning is commensurate with his ability level. The ward over 18 may request to leave the program at any time.