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Implementing Educational Services in a Detention Facility

NCJ Number
Juvenile and Family Court Journal Volume: 34 Issue: 3 Dated: (August 1983) Pages: 21-29
T Bullock; R I Arends; F Mills
Date Published
9 pages
This paper describes the Skipworth Juvenile Home in Eugene, Oreg. It discusses the facility's characteristics, problems faced in starting the home, intervention strategies used, and the new educational program that was designed and implemented.
Skipworth Home, the detention facility for the Lane County Juvenile Department, is a nonpunitive holding facility for children and youth who come under juvenile court jurisdiction. Its new educational program has been evaluated positively by students and staff. The program aims at providing maximum attention to individual educational needs of detained youth and at the same time provides a set of experiences that are of high interest to youth in trouble. The program includes an instructional center providing students with formal instruction in math, reading, and writing; a gym for physical exercise; a learning center providing informal but structured instruction; and a current topics/study center. Two notes and two references are supplied.


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