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Implementing International Prison Standards

NCJ Number
Research Bulletin Issue: 29 Dated: (1990) Pages: 47-51
R Walmsley
Date Published
5 pages
International standards for the handling of prisoners are discussed with respect to their nature, efforts at implementation, and recommendations to increase compliance.
The first set of international standards was published in 1929; after World War II international groups developed the Standard Minimum Rules which were approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1957. The rules describe basic principles of handling prisoners and managing correctional institutions. Many countries have expressed broad support for the Rules and report implementation of 90 percent of them. However, many other countries have not responded to United Nations surveys on the subject, and the information collected represents governmental perceptions rather than performance measured against an objective standard. Recommended steps to increase implementation of the rules include improving the questionnaire that gathers information each year, verifying governments' responses, and providing assistance to countries in implementing the rules. Finally, the Council of Europe adopted more ambitious rules in 1973. 7 references


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