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Imprisonment: The Israeli Perspective (From The Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Israel, 1990, P 87-93, -- See NCJ-129299)

NCJ Number
H Shmulewitz
Date Published
7 pages
Focus in this discussion of the Israel Prison Service (IPS) is on the agency's goals; the intake, diagnosis, and classification of new inmates; the treatment of inmates within the prison system; inmate petitions regarding the conditions of imprisonment; and the process of administrative release.
Goals of the IPS include: educating illiterate prisoners and promoting positive behavioral patterns; separating drug abusers from nonabusers and working to provide effective treatment programs for abusers; maintaining secure and safe prisons; and providing inmates with new skills to assist in their social rehabilitation. Each individualized treatment program considers the inmate's needs, personality, and length of sentence as well as the constraints of the prison system. IPS diagnostic teams are integrated with professionals both within and outside the system to promote the effectiveness of diagnostic and classification activities. In 1989, 740 inmates completed educational courses at various levels. IPS social work activities and medical, psychiatric, and drug treatment services are outlined.