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Incest - The Story of Three Women

NCJ Number
D Cleveland
Date Published
118 pages
Interviews with three women who were childhood victims of incest committed by their fathers demonstrate the range of long-term effects of a childhood sexual experience with the father.
The subjects were all white females between the ages 26 and 28. Susan was first abused at age 3, was severely abused for many years, and at age 15 gave birth to her father's child. Her life since then has been a series of imprisonments, divorces, harmful relationships, drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and suicide attempts. Judy grew up in a middle-class family and suffered 12 years of incest from her father. She sought therapy as a result of this experience. Her history includes drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and continued victimization as a battered wife. She is now in a happy marriage. Nancy experienced occasional fondling and inappropriate kissing for 1.5 years. She stopped this relationship. She has put the past behind her, has a stable marriage, and has not needed therapy. Erickson's stages of psychosocial development form the basis of a comparison of these three women's lives, revealing patterns of emotions, relationships, and developmental processes. Research and training recommendations are included. Tables, index, 43 references. (Publisher summary modified)