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Indiana Judicial Service Report 2001 Volume II

NCJ Number
Date Published
617 pages
This second volume of the 2001 Indiana Judicial Report presents caseload information for every court in the State, with subtotals for each county.
The data encompass the number and type of cases pending in each court at the beginning of the year, new cases filed, cases transferred and venued to each court during the reporting year, the number and type of cases disposed by each court, and the number pending at the end of the reporting year. A section of the report on the method of case disposition for all courts addresses jury trials, bench trials, bench disposition, dismissal, guilty plea/admission/default, violation bureau/closed, venued out, and transferred out. Information and data on other judicial activities pertain to cases referred to alternative dispute resolution, the number of guardian ad litem/CASA appointments, cases held under advisement, the number of pauper counsel appointments, special judge service in the reporting court, and special judge service in other courts. The 1,799,280 new cases filed in 2001 constituted an increase of 35.2 percent over a 1-year period. The highest rate of increase occurred in civil plenary cases, which increased by 14.1 percent from 2000. By far the largest number of cases filed involved infractions, with over three-quarters of a million cases. Following infractions were small claims (305,776) and misdemeanors (201,639). All Indiana courts disposed of 1,775,010 cases. Extensive tables and a listing of judicial officers as of July 8, 2002


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