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The Individual-Level Deterrent Effect of "Call-In" Meetings on Time to Re-Arrest

NCJ Number
Crime & Delinquency Dated: 2019
Giovanni Circo; Julie M. Krupa; Edmund F McGarrell; Alaina DeBiasi
Date Published
12 pages

Since research on the individual-level effect of deterrent messaging on subsequent offending is limited, the current study examined data on 254 gang- and group-involved probationers and parolees who attended offender “call-in” meetings that were intended to deter their reoffending under the Detroit Ceasefire Initiative.


The study used inverse-probability weighting to construct a counterfactual comparison group from a sample of gang-involved young adults who were not subject to the Ceasefire call-in. A Cox regression was then used to estimate time to re-arrest. The study found that individuals who were delivered a deterrent message at a call-in meeting had a longer time to re-arrest for up to 3 years following the meeting compared to a weighted comparison group. (publisher abstract modified)