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Injury Fact Book 2001-2002

NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2001
129 pages
This book presents data and information on injury in America for 2001-2002 and shares some of the Center for Disease Control's (CDC's) achievements in injury prevention, along with future goals and directions for the CDC's Injury Center.
This book illustrates how the public health approach works in countering injuries. This approach involves defining the problem, identifying risk and protective factors, developing and testing prevention strategies, and assuring widespread adoption. This public health approach is discussed for violence in America, intimate partner violence, traumatic brain injury among children, the identification of risk and protective factors, the assessment of attitudes and beliefs about child maltreatment, and alcohol and motor vehicle crashes. Following the outline of the public health approach for preventing injuries, data sources and data sharing for injury prevention are discussed, followed by a listing of the various governmental, nongovernmental, and international agencies that can act as partners in injury prevention. Data are then provided on the prevalence of various types of injuries by gender, race, and age. The final portion of the book contains 23 separate sections with detailed information on a range of injuries. Each injury section includes data that describe the problem, an overview of CDC's research and prevention efforts, and future steps CDC and its partners must take to reduce injuries and their resulting deaths and disabilities. Among the injuries considered are alcohol-related injuries, child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, motor vehicle crashes, school violence, sexual violence, suicide, and youth violence. 17 annotated resources