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Innovation Exchange No. 12: Jerusalem Israel Fall 2005

NCJ Number
Innovation Exchange Issue: 12 Dated: Fall 2005 Pages: 1-63
Hiddai Wagschal
Date Published
64 pages
This report presents a series of articles on the programs and projects of the Israel Ministry of Public Security and its executive arms, the Israel Police and the Israel Prison Service.
Following the Statement of the Minister which introduces the report, five main sections focus on: (1) the Ministry; (2) special challenges; (3) policing; (4) policing technology; and (5) corrections. The articles in the first section focus on delineating the Ministry structure, describing the Ministry’s new Web site, and discussing three technological developments of the Bureau of the Chief Scientist that are being used by law enforcement. Other articles in the first section describe the new building for the Israel Police Headquarters, discuss a community- and school-based violence reduction program, and explore the use of videoconferencing for hearings on remand and release on bail. The second section on special challenges is comprised of three articles, one of which explores whether the police or the army is better equipped to handle violent civil disobedience while another recounts a personal experience of managing a post-tsunami forensic recovery team in Thailand. The fourth section on policing contains two articles; one describes recent improvements made by the Israel Police while the other discusses the process of mediating public complaints against police officers. The policing technology section presents articles on how the Computer Crime Section works to prevent suicide and on the role of digital technology in criminal investigations. A third article in this section describes the work and achievements of the Technology Administration, a division of the Israel Police Organization and Planning Department. The final section on corrections focuses on topics that range from the formation of a Scout troop in a juvenile prison to using ex-addicts as instructors in adult drug treatment programs in Israeli prisons. The Israel Prison Service’s Elite Control and Restrain Unit is described, as is a prison-based parenting program for inmates called the Remote Control Parenting Program.