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Innovative Policing: Foot Patrol in 31 Division, Metropolitan Toronto

NCJ Number
Canadian Police College Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: (1989) Pages: 165-181
K E Asbury
Date Published
17 pages
Based on indepth interviews, site inspections, and an analysis of supporting documents and statistical records, this article describes key events that have shaped the foot patrol initiative in 31 Division, Metropolitan Toronto (Canada) Police Force: major project activities, problems encountered, and strategies proven useful in overcoming these problems.
The foot patrol is staffed by 16 constables and one sergeant, who reports directly to the unit commander. This staff is supplemented periodically by recruits. Officers are responsible for four beats with similar problems, notably drug trafficking, loitering, harassment, abandoned vehicles, garbage, graffiti, and theft from autos. Four officers per beat work in pairs on two shifts: 8 am-6 pm and 3 pm-1 am. Factors critical to the success of the foot patrol project are a clear mandate with written goals and objectives, cooperation with community residents in defining enforcement problems, the effective use of resources, the commitment of the unit commander, effective management, and the careful selection of foot patrol officers. Project activities have focused on providing citizens with opportunities to help, building trust between officers and residents, and organizing community programs. Some obstacles to success are unrealistic community expectations, the difficulty of sustaining community involvement, waning departmental support, and lack of resources. 3 references.