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Interactive Computing

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Dated: (May 1989) Pages: 18-19
B Kolpack
Date Published
2 pages
Computer-based training is making headway in police departments, due in part to recent liability lawsuits resulting from inadequate police training.
Competency-based training describes the type of education requiring a specific level of expertise before the student moves on to more advanced lessons. Interactive video instruction, a cost-effective form of computer-based training, offers flexible scheduling, competency assurance, individualized learning, increased retention, progress evaluation, immediate interactivity, positive reinforcement, and repetitive material. Police department training managers should consider both hardware and software factors in deciding whether to use an interactive approach. Trainers should understand that it may take 200 to 600 hours to produce a single hour of useful material. The initial goal of computer-based training producers should be to make small, effective presentations and then follow up on how well students learn their lessons.