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Interesting Action Mechanism of an Improvised Firearm

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Dated: January 1999 Pages: 208-210
Joychandra S. Soraisam Ph.D.; Ruhindro S. Khangembam B.Sc.
Date Published
January 1999
3 pages
This paper discusses the unique and simple action mechanism of an improvised automatic firearm received for examination in the Forensic Science Laboratory in Manipur, India.
Manipur is a State in northeastern India with problems of insurgency and ethnic clashes in addition to the usual crimes. These crimes involve many types of firearms ranging in size from handguns to large cannon-type muzzle loaders. The firearm studied had an appearance that was somewhat between that of a carbine and an AK-47, but it was different from that of any standard firearm. The most interesting aspect of the gun was its action mechanism. This simple mechanism allowed the firearm to fire in both a fully automatic mode or a single-shot mode without a tripping (disconnect) lever. Figures and 2 references