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International Center for Comparative Criminology - Annual Report of the Director, 1 June 1979 - 31 May 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
105 pages
The annual report of the Director of the International Center for Comparative Criminology of the University of Montreal is presented.
As in 1978-1979, research pursued in 1979-80 by the center focuses on the phenomenon of crime, the functioning of the criminal system, the administration of justice, and the attitudes of the public towards crime. The report section on research lists work completed, work in progress, and proposed projects. Also included in the report are a description of activities of the documentation service, a list of relationships of the center to other organizations, and an outline of seminars and colloquia in which center representatives have participated. The report also includes a list of publications of the center for 1979-80, of critical commentaries on the publications and activities of the center, and of translations of the center's works, as well as lists of students involved in center educational programs and professor exchange projects. The section on the center's infrastructure lists scientific and professional personnel, administrative and support personnel, consultants and collaborators associated with projects, the board of directors of the center, the center budget, and locations of center offices.