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International Feminist Perspectives in Criminology: Engendering a Discipline

NCJ Number
N H Rafter, F Heidensohn
Date Published
258 pages
Because the study of women in conflict with the law is deficient and women's experiences have generally been at the periphery rather than at the center of criminological inquiry, contributors to this book examine the impact of feminism on the study of crime and criminal justice.
Contributors emphasize the need for a feminist perspective on crime and social control and acknowledge that feminist scholars should take the lead in eliminating the backlash against women and minorities in the field of criminology. The book is primarily concerned with the "collision" between gender consciousness on the one hand and crime and social control issues on the other. Contributors specifically examine the development of feminist perspectives on crime, feminist criminology in Australia, and feminism and academic criminology in South Africa. Feminist perspectives and their impact on criminology and criminal justice in Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, Eastern Europe, Canada, and the United States are discussed. Contributors also explore feminist theory, the challenge of diversity, and a multiethnic feminist agenda for theory and research. References, notes, and tables