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International Review of Criminal Policy, Nos. 39 and 40

NCJ Number
Date Published
166 pages
This international review of juvenile justice policies and trends stresses the significance of socioeconomic and political changes worldwide and their impact on juvenile delinquency and emphasizes the need for juvenile justice system reform in order to prevent delinquency.
The first article focuses on standard minimum rules promulgated by the United Nations for administering juvenile justice. Subsequent articles deal with juvenile delinquency measurement, models of juvenile delinquency prevention, at-risk juveniles, just deserts theory, and punishment versus treatment issues. Other articles discuss behavioral aspects of status offenses, discrimination against female status offenders, institutional treatment possibilities for young offenders, juvenile victimization, and alternatives to institutionalization. Several articles specifically address juvenile justice and delinquency in the United States, Commonwealth countries, the Soviet Union, Asia and the Pacific, China, Arab countries, Kenya, and Nigeria. 470 notes