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Inventory of Surveys of the Public on Crime, Justice and Related Topics

NCJ Number
A D Biderman; S S Oldham; S K Ward; M A E by
Date Published
261 pages
This volume lists and describes 529 polls and other surveys of the public, conducted mainly between 1960 and 1971, they focus on the following topics: criminal justice personnel and agencies, attitudes regarding the crime problem, specific forms of crime and violators, experiences with crime and criminals, current issues, and other crime-related topics.
Most of the studies were conducted in the United States and Canada. The volume's four main sections include (1) a computer-generated index for locating all studies containing information on selected topics, (2) standardized abstracts of studies, focusing on the sample, methods, and reports, (3) textual summaries of each document produced by a survey, and (4) texts of questions of criminological interest used in periodic public opinion polls. The volume also provides the numerical codes for the topical categories, a list of studies in order of the inventory identification number, an alphabetical index of study originators and authors, and a topic index using conventional key words and phrases. One hundred seventy-five additional surveys not yet processed for the inventory are also listed.