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Investigation of the Classification and Institutional Movement of Two Inmates in the Iowa Correctional System

NCJ Number
W P Angrick
Date Published
18 pages
This ombudsman's report for Iowa citizens critiques the decisionmaking procedures that resulted in the transfer to a release center of two inmates accused of committing an armed robbery. One had escaped from the center and the other had been on furlough.
Iowa's procedures for inmate custody classification and offender risk assessment are detailed, followed by an analysis of the specific procedures and decisions producing the incarceration, classification, and institutional movement of each of the two inmates. The analysis concludes that neither of the inmates met the custody classification score criteria for placement at the release center. Override decisions which placed the inmates at the release center were made without considering all available information and documentation. In neither case was the risk assessment procedure used to evaluate the custody classification override decision. Further, both inmates exhibited behavior at the release center that warranted transfers to more secure institutions. The report recommends that a checklist of information and documentation be included in inmate files and that whenever a custody classification override decision is made, specified information and documentation be consulted. Also, when an override decision results in the transfer of an inmate to a less secure status, it is recommended that the inmate's risk assessment be reviewed. Finally, the report suggests that the Department of Corrections promulgate its custody classification procedure and policy as administrative rule. The Department of Corrections' response to the report is included.