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Jail Audit Manual: A Systems Approach to Jail Evaluation, Fourth Edition

NCJ Number
J. J. Clark; Kenneth E. Kerle; Aldine N. Moser Jr.; E. Eugene Miller; Kenneth L. Preadmore
Date Published
March 1997
396 pages
This volume contains guidelines and management tools to assist sheriffs and their staffs in making internal evaluations of jail operations and in establishing priorities.
Except for clear Constitutional practices, or those mandated by the courts, these guidelines are to be used when evaluating jail conditions. The guidelines can be a basis for organizing jail operations and as justification for funds to improve jails, lockups, and detention centers. A jail audit on-site visit eventually results in a written report that provides: (1) evaluation of the jail operation measured against nationally recognized standards, guidelines, and recommendations; (2) an executive summary: (3) an approach to resolving deficiencies noted in the audit; and (4) a means of monitoring jail operations on a continuing basis. If a jail operation is challenged in court, guidelines similar to the ones in this volume may be used by those who file complaints. Nationally recognized guidelines can also be used by the courts as a major reference source in granting relief. The Manual provides guidelines in Administration, Physical Plant, Medical and Health Care, Security, Inmates’ Rights, Intake Procedures, and Inmate Services and Programs. It includes forms needed for jail evaluations.


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