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Judiciary - State of Hawaii - Annual Report, July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
83 pages
Newly instituted features of Hawaii's judiciary have had some impact on reducing the caseload burden and trial delays during 1981-82. Computerized transcript preparation in the first circuit, new judges, a new appellate structure, and volunteer programs have all enhanced court operations.
The report describes Hawaii's legal and judicial heritage and discusses the operations of the State supreme court, intermediate court of appeals, circuit courts, and district courts. It includes statistical data on actions filed, terminations, and status of pending cases for each of these courts. Support services (budget and financial, computer systems, personnel, public information, etc.) are described, and activities of various boards, councils, and commissions are mentioned. Charts illustrate the judiciary's financial resources. Some photographs, tables, and graphs are also supplied.


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