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Justice Resource Update, Winter 2006

NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages
This issue features resources that illustrate ways in which the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Justice Programs (OJP) agencies are combating methamphetamine abuse.

The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office) sponsored the development of "Tools for Combating Meth," which contains practical guidebooks that address issues such as clandestine drug labs, drug dealing in open-air markets and privately owned apartment complexes, identity theft, and prescription fraud. Other publications in the toolkit focus on the environmental dangers in methamphetamine production as well as best practices for countering meth based on previous meth programs funded by the COPS Office. In another meth-related effort, the COPS Office's Methamphetamine Initiative provides Federal grant funding to State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to assist in the eradication of clandestine meth labs. A COPS-sponsored independent evaluation of the first six grants under the Methamphetamine Initiative focused on the histories of the meth problems in these cities and includes detailed process evaluations of each grant's implementation. The COPS Office also has two new meth-related fact sheets, one which addresses the grant program that supports enforcement, training, and lab cleanup activities nationwide; and the second, which focuses on the detrimental environmental effects of clandestine drug laboratories and drug cleanup efforts. Another COPS' publication features Wyoming's efforts to address methamphetamine abuse in its rural areas. Central to Wyoming's "war" on meth was the Governor's Substance Abuse and Violent Crime Advisory Board established in 1987 and mandated to develop a comprehensive crime and drug-control strategy for the State. In addition to providing guidance on accessing all of the aforementioned resources, this Justice Resource issue also provides guidance on accessing new online resources and upcoming meth-related conferences.