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Justice Where Art Thou? and Do We Care?: Feminist Perspectives on Justice for Women in Canada

NCJ Number
Journal of Human Justice Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (Autumn 1989) Pages: 77-98
K Faith
Date Published
22 pages
A number of recent Canadian studies on gender and justice are reviewed while discussing the accomplishments of recent legal reforms on behalf of women in Canada, and how these gains are diminished by the resilience of capitalist structures and patriarchal hegemony.
In this discussion of contemporary feminist perspectives on gender and justice, an ethic of justice is contrasted with an ethic of care in evaluating the quality of women's experiences, or lack thereof, within the legal system. The issues presented include sexual assault, child custody, the female offender, pornography, and the position of First Nations women. 10 endnotes and 68 references. For related articles see NCJ 125888-125895. (Author abstract modified)