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Kaiser Permanente Gives Its Security a Checkup

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 34-40
G Winters
Date Published
7 pages
To coordinate security coverage at each health maintenance organization facility and determine the adequacy of existing programs, the southern California regional security office of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program developed a security survey manual.
The manual establishes and measures the essential criteria for a hospital security program. The manual covers security policies and procedures, security staffing, exterior security lighting, key control, closed-circuit television systems, intrusion alarm systems, security communications, access control, and emergency security. As users may not be security professionals, each section contains a brief overview of the topic followed by a series of questions designed to help users evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each security program component. After the manual was written in 1982, security surveys were conducted at nine facilities. After analyzing the results, recommendations for each facility were prepared, implemented, and evaluated in a followup survey. These surveys have uncovered security gaps, and have helped standardize and streamline security programs at all nine locations. Questionnaires for evaluating all nine security program components are included.


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