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Keeping People Out of Prison, No. 11

NCJ Number
S McKillop
Date Published
315 pages
These proceedings examine some of the political motives for keeping people out of prison, describe the Tasmanian perspective on the issue, and outline some of Australia's initiatives.
Contributors to these proceedings address various issues relating to keeping people out of prison with a focus on the use of effective community-based programs to bring about a decline in prison populations. Presentations also cover maximizing diversion within the corrections continuum; evaluating imprisonment and parole; noncustodial sanctions, prison costs, and prison overcrowding; the offender's point of view; juvenile offender diversionary programs; bail assessment; sentencing options; the changing role of probation; halfway houses; and aftercare. The proceedings identify those jurisdictions that are the best at keeping people out of prison. 23 figures, 49 tables, and 208 references