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Keeping Track of Stone Tablets - Legal Information Institutes

NCJ Number
Law/Technology Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: (Third Quarter 1980) Pages: 28-39
M A Foster
Date Published
12 pages
This paper focuses on the concern about the production and dissemination of legal information and illustrates the similarities in national approaches and solutions, covering activities in Canada, the United States, France, Israel, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
There are three kinds of organizations established to oversee the ordering and control of information. The 'supportive' associations usually have began as voluntary groups disseminating knowledge about developments and uses of information technology. The research-oriented organizations carry out research projects, usually in an academic environment. The policymaking organizations generate educational material and research projects and identify and generate products which meet needs as provided for under their various mandates. An important aspect of the organizations is that legal information policy is devised and often acted upon by nongovernmental, nonprofit entities. In all parts of the world a common kind of body is created to deal with these problems, even in countries with markedly different political structures. For example, Norway has been in the forefront of research in automated legal retrieval, done primarily in the academic environment. A broadly based council reports to the Ministry of Justice to facilitate practical and wide access to a retrieval system. The administration of the system, however, is independent. Similar independent organizations may come into being in South Africa. A list of addresses for some of the organizations mentioned is included.