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Law Enforcement and Khat: An Analysis of Current Issues

NCJ Number
Heather Douglas; Merali Pedder; Nicholas Lintzeris
Date Published
93 pages
This report from the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund examines the problem of law enforcement and khat in Australia.
Catha edulis, also known as khat, is a stimulatory drug that has been used for centuries by many different populations around the world. This paper from the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund in Australia examines the growing problem of khat consumption and the response by law enforcement in that country. The 12 chapter of this report present information on khat and its chemical structure; the sources and uses of khat; current laws in Australia regarding khat; the legal approach to khat in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom; the health effects from using khat; the use of khat and its relation to Islam; existing police protocols for dealing with khat and khat users in the territories of Queensland, Western Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria; a list of resources currently available for khat users in Australia; the problem of khat use and driver impairment; and conclusions regarding the growing problem of khat use and abuse in Australia. Recommendations from this report include clarifying State regulations and importation laws, educating the police about khat and the laws pertaining to its use, educating the community about the health effects of khat and the laws pertaining to its use, conducting further research on the health effects of khat, and conducting future research on how khat affects driving skills. Figures, tables, references, and appendixes