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Legal Aid in the Age of Restraint (From Cost of Justice, P 89-104, 1980 - See NCJ-86057)

NCJ Number
A D Lazar
Date Published
16 pages
This conference paper discusses appropriate responses of the Canadian legal aid system to restraints in Government funding.
While legal aid is a form of legal service, it is also a form of social service. As such, it is affected by the restraint in Government spending that has occurred recently. However, it is not necessary for legal aid to respond to this restraint simply by restricting legal services. Legal aid must respond actively. The recommended strategy involves three elements -- protection of existing resources, doing more with less, and coordination with other programs whose objectives are consistent with those of legal aid. Independent program evaluations are needed to demonstrate the efficiency of existing resources. A detailed study of every aspect of legal aid delivery is required; information should be used to decrease costs wherever possible. Innovative use of community legal workers, lay advocates, investigators, and social workers is encouraged. In addition, the choice of legal service delivery vehicles should be made carefully. Restraint in spending heightens the need for reliable information to make intelligent choices about the future direction of legal aid in Canada. Sample questions for legal aid evaluation are appended.