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Legal Casework and the Private Profession: Current Use in Private Practice (From Improving Access to Justice: The Future of Paralegal Professionals -- Conference Proceedings, 1990, Canberra, Australia, P 67-72, 1991, Julia Vernon and Francis Regan, eds. -- See NCJ-129734)

NCJ Number
C Luckett
Date Published
6 pages
Much has been written about the use of paralegals in the justice system, and the relevance of this material and existing subjects in certificate-level studies such as business law and contracts needs to be examined in the context of expanding the use of paralegal professionals in Australia.
The efficient management of a law practice ultimately relates to the cost of and access to justice. There are considerable variations in the kind of legal services sought and the capacity of clients to pay for such services. Consequently, different approaches to the way a client's case is handled by a law firm are needed. Paralegals have been used in the United States due to concerns such as economics, efficiency, and support for the growth and organization of paralegal skills. In Australia, paralegals are proving to be organizationally effective in the statutory insurance and worker compensation fields. Law firms must recognize the importance of providing significant roles, training, and career paths for paralegals. The emphasis placed by one Australian law firm on training secretaries and providing legal education for all support staff is discussed. 3 references and 1 endnote