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Length Variation in HV2 of the Human Mitochondrial DNA Control Region

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2001 Pages: 862-870
John E.B. Stewart Ph.D.; Constance L. Fisher Ph.D.; Patricia J. Aagaard B.S.; Mark R. Wilson M.S.; Alice R. Isenberg Ph.D.; Deborah Polanskey B.S.; Eric Pokorak B.S.; Joseph A. DiZinno DDS; Bruce Budowle Ph.D.
Michael A. Peat Ph.D.
Date Published
July 2001
9 pages
In this study, samples were typed from three individuals who exhibited length heteroplasmy in the homopolymeric cytosine stretches (C-stretch) region in hypervariable region 2 (HV2) to investigate the variation length heteroplasmy in hairs.
This study typed hair samples from three individuals exhibiting length heteroplasmy in the homopolymeric cytosine stretches (C-stretch) in hypervariable region 2 (HV2). It demonstrated that different hairs from an individual could vary in the HV2 C-stretch region with respect to the number of C’s and in the relative proportion of C-stretch length. It demonstrated that length heteroplasmy might occur regardless of the prominent C-stretch length present. In this study, all possible length variants were described to demonstrate the variation that might exist for length heteroplasmy; in casework practice, typically the major length variant component was recorded and differences in C-stretch types were not used for exculpatory purposes. Graphs and references