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Los Angeles Police Department - Statistical Digest, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
98 pages
Statistical data covering the activities of the Los Angeles Police Department for calendar year 1980 are presented.
Data cover crimes and other investigations, adult and juvenile arrests, traffic accidents and enforcement, personnel, and equipment. Also presented are general comparisons of population size and police cost; crime, arrest, and traffic rates per 1,000 population; and Part I crimes and attempts reported by the FBI. A summary of crime and arrest data compiled according to national standards prescribed by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports is included. The report presents separate tables with statistics on Part I and II offenses; homicide, forcible rape, and aggravated assaults; robberies, burglaries, larcenies, and vehicle thefts and recoveries; worthless documents; and arson. Arrests by location and type of offense; by month and type of offense; by age, sex, and type of offense; and by bureau location and by type and unit reporting are given. The number of sworn personnel by age, years of service, years in present rank, and location of assignment is also included. Graphs are supplied.