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Low Copy Number DNA Profiling From Isolated Sperm Using the Aureka -Micromanipulation System

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2012 Pages: 461-465
C. Schneider; U. Muller; R. Kilper; B. Siebertz
Date Published
July 2012
5 pages
This study examined the use of the aureka micromanipulation system for cell isolation.
A new cell isolation technique linked to the aureka micromanipulation system (aureka) was used to pick sperm from mixed samples containing sperm and epithelial cells. Both cell types were stained using the HY-LITER high-resolution, fluorescent staining kit. To isolate a single sperm of interest under a fluorescent microscope, a specific microsphere picking technique was used. This sensitive and reliable cell identification and isolation technique enables low-copy-number (LCN) DNA profiling, as few as 20 sperm are sufficient for obtaining a full short tandem repeat (STR) profile without any allelic drop out. The presented protocol covers the whole workflow, from sample staining and cell pick up to STR analysis. (Published Abstract)