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Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame

NCJ Number
M Scarce
Date Published
333 pages
This book investigates the effects of male-on-male sexual violence on individuals and society.
The book examines a form of violence that, despite worldwide prevalence, remains vastly underreported and unrecognized. It dispels popular myths and questions why most communities cannot or will not confront the problem of same-sex sexual violence. The book includes 14 chapters that critically examine same-sex rape from a number of standpoints, including: (1) research on male rape during the last 15 years to identify broad themes and recent trends; (2) male rape in single-sex institutions such as prisons and military organizations and the politics that impede effective intervention efforts; (3) how sexual orientation manifests as a power dynamic between men; (4) male rape content in several films, television programs, nonfiction texts, journalism reports and other mass media; (5) the ways in which male rape can be a vehicle for infection; (6) a history of medical insensitivity toward male rape; (7) legal definitions of male rape; and (8) strategies for creating initiatives to address adult male rape. Notes, appendixes, index