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Management Training of Senior Police Officers: A Survey of Seven West-European Countries

NCJ Number
F Denis
Date Published
65 pages
This study of the management training of police officers in selected European countries was conducted by the Institute for Management Training and Police Research in Budapest, Hungary.
Questionnaires distributed to police agencies obtained data on police management training in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Sweden, and Hungary. Information was sought on hierarchical and management levels, access to the highest police positions, career development, and management skills. In addition, the study focused on basic police training and the development of management training programs. Study findings are reported in terms of management training centers and programs in the selected European countries, management training programs for senior police officers, police management training needs, police management training objectives and organization, and training courses. Brief summaries of police management training programs in the various countries are provided in chart form. Tables and figures