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Managing Information and Evaluation in a Drug Testing Program

NCJ Number
K. Jack Riley; Eric Lee
Date Published
15 pages
This document contains juvenile justice training materials on managing information and evaluation in a drug testing program presented via teleconference.
This document contains teleconference training materials on the subject of why program evaluation is needed for managing information and evaluation in a drug testing program. Topics discussed included: why program evaluation is needed; States behavioral program goals; determining program processes and outcomes to be evaluated; identifies the types of program information that should be maintained; selects the best tools for managing program data, data collection instruments, and procedures; interpretation of evaluation findings; and use of data for program decision-making. Topics include organization of the teleconference, overview of program evaluation, what is program evaluation, process v. outcome evaluation, program type and evaluation, epidemiology example, needs assessment example, behavior modification example, conditions for best evaluation, developing and managing an management information system (MIS), why an MIS, goals for using MIS, managing MIS implementation, and a sample application. Sample screens are given for assessment, employment; assessment, demographics; assessment, drug use; assessment, summary of attendance; and sample screen, drug testing. The training packet concludes with summaries from topics covered by presenters, such as interpreting and reporting evaluation findings, reporting findings, using findings for making decisions, use-evaluation to make decisions, and examples from the Brooklyn Treatment Court.