Section 1 provides an overview of sex offenders and their management; and it summarizes current research and promising practices being conducted in communities across the Nation. Section 2 presents a framework for the planning and implementation process. The central components of this framework are the collaborative team, the team's vision, and the team's mission. The section discusses why each element is essential and describes teamwork activities that can help in establishing the team and in developing mission statements. Section 3 describes the planning and implementation process, which includes developing an understanding of the jurisdiction's current sex offender management practices; developing an understanding of research and emerging practice in sex offender management; assessing the gaps in current practice; identifying goals and objectives to address the gaps; and implementing changes required to meet goals and monitor the impact of changes. After describing in detail each of these steps, examples are provided of work products and other illustrative materials; teams are guided through each step with specially designed teamwork activities. The planning and implementation process presented applies to all jurisdictions, regardless of size, the resources available, the improvements required, or the level of expertise of those involved in the process. 15 exhibits, 12 teamwork activities, 163 references and resources, and appended sample data collection instruments
Managing Sex Offenders in the Community: A Handbook To Guide Policymakers and Practitioners Through a Planning and Implementation Process
NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2002
102 pages
This handbook is designed to assist policymakers and practitioners in assessing and strengthening their adult and juvenile sex offender management approaches.