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Manitoba Criminal Injuries Compensation Board Annual Report 1994-95

NCJ Number
Date Published
30 pages
The 1994-1995 annual report of the Manitoba Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) indicates several initiatives and changes have been implemented to streamline administrative processes related to filing crime victim claims and conducting claim investigations.
The initiatives and changes have improved services and reduced the time required to make decisions on victim claims. Claims for assistance are made directly to the CICB. Under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, a report must be made by the injured victim to the police as soon as possible, and the victim must cooperate with the police in efforts to apprehend the offender. Benefits are available to injured crime victims and to their dependents in fatality cases. Benefits are similar to those paid under the Workers Compensation Act, and funds are available to cover expenses related to clothing, prescription drugs, broken eyewear, artificial limbs, and dental care. The CICB has established a process whereby claimants can appeal adjudicative decisions made by the Board. The annual report contains claim statistics covering April 1994-March 1995 period and financial statements on CICB operation. 5 tables and 4 figures