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Measuring Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration: A Compendium of Assessment Tools

NCJ Number
Martie P. Thompson, Ph.D., Kathleen C. Basile, Ph.D., Marci F. Hertz, M.S., Dylan Sitterle, B.S.
Date Published
159 pages
This compendium, which was prepared under the supervision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provides researchers and prevention specialists with a compilation of tools for measuring victimization from and perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV).
Victimization scales are organized by physical violence, sexual violence, psychological/emotional abuse, and stalking. Perpetration scales measure the perpetration of each of these types of IPV. Each section begins with a table that summarizes key information on each scale, such as scale characteristics, target group or intended population, psychometric properties, authors, and year of publication. For each included scale, the compendium provides scale items, response categories, scoring instructions, and the instructions provided to respondents at the beginning of the scale. Most scales in the compendium were not developed specifically for use with these or other minority populations. In most cases, reliability and validity information was obtained from largely non-Hispanic, White populations. Some scales provided are intended for use with adults, and others are intended for use with adolescents or with any age group. None of the included scales provide psychometric data specifically for same-sex couples. 66 references and a glossary


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