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Mediation Hearing - A Primer

NCJ Number
E Odom
Date Published
8 pages
Basic procedures in community dispute mediation are outlined chronologically.
In addition to the communications, listening, and interpretive skills required throughout mediation, each phase of dispute resolution requires specific techniques. Before the session begins, the co-mediators meet to discuss the case and make decisions on seating, opening remarks, etc. Opening statements in mediation should provide disputants with an orientation to the procedure, while also establishing rapport. During mediation, mediators will meet with disputants separately and together. Private meetings with disputants serve to facilitate movement toward compromise. Conferences between mediators can aid in ensuring continued progress of the session and settling disagreements between mediators. Thought-provoking questioning, repetition of key words, and summarization can be useful information-gathering techniques. Once the dispute has been resolved, an agreement acceptable to both parties is written and signed.