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Mental Health Consultation to Law Enforcement: Secret Service Department of a Mental Health Liaison Program

NCJ Number
Behavioral Sciences and the Law Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Dated: Autumn 1998 Pages: 407-422
Margaret H. Coggins; Marisa R. Pynchon
Date Published
16 pages
The Mental Health Liaison Program developed and used by the U.S. Secret Service is presented as a model for comprehensive, multidimensional interactions between law enforcement and mental health systems, with particular focus on assessing and preventing violent behavior.
The structure of the program pairs psychologist and psychiatrist consultants with Secret Service field offices to provide: (1) consultation regarding risk assessment and case management of individuals who threaten or display inappropriate interest in the President or other protectees; (2) training for Secret Service agents in risk assessment, mental illness, and mental health care issues; and (3) liaison activities between the Secret Service and the mental health community. Practical benefits of the program are discussed to encourage more systematic use of broad-based psychological and psychiatric consultation to law enforcement, with a goal of enhanced communication and collaboration. The need for program evaluation and outcome research is examined in the context of applying the model to improve other law enforcement and mental health system interactions. 27 references