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Methodology Manual for Jury Systems

NCJ Number
Date Published
190 pages
This manual analyzes jury system management in terms of 12 system components and assigns quantitative standards based on the current state-of-the-art; it also examines methods for gathering and analyzing data.
The manual's purpose is to help courts make changes in jury systems to improve efficiency by saving juror time, cutting costs, and increasing citizens' willingness to serve as jurors. The manual defines each element and the operations involved, presents quantitative data related to or controlling the element, and discusses ways to implement change. Elements are generally ordered in the sequence in which jurors flow through the system, starting with the initial source list and containing with qualification and summoning of people, involvement in the jury trials, and the final exit. The 12 elements include jury system management plan, source lists, qualification and summoning, exclusions, orientation, term of service, jury utilization, standard panel sizes, calendar coordination, standby jurors, voir dire, and monitoring and control. Elements which impact on more than one point in the juror flow are so indicated. For example, orientation aspects affect jurors throughout their service. It is suggested that each court evaluate its present operation against the standards presented in the manual. If a quantitative standard is equaled or exceeded, action may not be necessary in that aspect of the system. Standards are based upon achievable and demonstrated results in courts throughout the United States. Footnotes, extensive figures, appendixes, and a glossary/index are included in the manual. (Author summary modified).


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