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Microscopic and Chemical Examinations for Estimating the Time Since Death of Skeletal Remains: Its Application to Forensic Cases

NCJ Number
Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine Volume: 45 Issue: 5-6 Dated: (December 1991) Pages: 379-392
M Yoshino
Date Published
14 pages
The time since death in the skeletal remains in 51 human bone samples of known dates of death was studied through the examination of compact bones by microradiography and electron microscopy, together with an examination of ultraviolet fluorescence in the cross-section of bonds using microscopic spectrophotometry.
The total protein content of the bones was also examined. Results revealed no significant morphological changes in the bones exposed to the open air for less than 10 years since death. In bones buried in the soil, vacuolation of bone tissues generally began approximately 5 years after death. In bones left in the sea for 4 or 5 years, vacuoles were observed in the outer peripheral zone of the substantia compacta. The application of these microscopic methods in five actual criminal cases produced good estimations of the bone dates. Figures, tables, photographs, and 30 references (Author abstract modified)