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Minimum Standards in Prisons: A Programme of Change

NCJ Number
S Casale; J Plotnikoff
Date Published
22 pages
This report describes a program of progressive implementation of minimum standards for prison conditions in England.
The first part of the report presents a timetable of incremental change for a 7-year period (from 1989 to 1996) to improve core conditions of occupancy and space in the cells, sanitation, and personal hygiene. The second part of the report contains an action plan for implementing the timetable. Basic strategies for improving core conditions, particularly reduction in prison population, are combined with changes in operational practice and building improvements. Practical advantages and problems are examined for improving the prison estate through integral sanitation in adjoining cells and within cells under various security conditions. Although current projects of rebuilding and refurbishing have been used to improve conditions, they have not alleviated overcrowding, are too costly, and impinge on staffing and work practice. A reasonable strategy to ensure the implementation of minimum standards requires a reexamination of the traditional concepts of security, control, staff/prisoner relations, and prison design.