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Mission Statement of the National Parole Board

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
After a summary mission statement for Canada's National Parole Board, this report presents the board's 'core values,' which guide the board in fulfilling its mission, and 'principles,' which apply the core values to the board's programs and operations.
The National Parole Board, as part of the criminal justice system, makes independent, quality conditional release decisions and clemency recommendations. By facilitating the timely reintegration of offenders as lawabiding citizens, the board contributes to public protection. In implementing this mission, one of the board's core values is respect for the inherent dignity of individuals and the equal and inalienable rights of all citizens. The principles of this core value include enabling inmates to be informed participants in parole decisionmaking and providing an appeal process. A second core value is recognition that the majority of offenders have the potential to function as lawabiding citizens. One principle for implementing this core value is provision of supervision, assistance, and programs that will facilitate lawabiding behavior. The third core value is the board's creation and maintenance of an environment characterized by mutual trust and respect. Among the principles for implementing this value is the equitable and fair delivery of the board's programs.


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