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Mississippi Organizes: Resisting the Klan

NCJ Number
Southern Exposure Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1980) Pages: 25-28
A Marx; T Tuthill
Date Published
4 pages
The United League of Mississippi, founded in the 1960's by Alfred "Skip" Robinson, uses grassroots mobilization and armed self-defense to challenge the Klan in local communities.
Robinson, who serves as president of the organization he founded, establishes local chapters of the United League upon request by local citizens. In a community requesting help, Robinson holds workshop meetings in each black neighborhood, where problems and needs are identified and strategies planned for addressing them. An ongoing community organization continues to meet after Robinson leaves to guide blacks of the community in resolving problems and meeting needs. Where the Klan is active and discrimination is practiced, the United League advocates demonstrations, business boycotts, and armed self-defense. The policy of armed self-defense has been particularly effective in countering Klan violence against blacks. In those communities where blacks have met Klan force with armed self-defense, the Klan has backed down.