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Mobile Field Report Writing

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 29 Issue: 9 Dated: September 2002 Pages: 86,88,92
Donna Rogers
Date Published
September 2002
6 pages
This article describes 10 software programs for police mobile field report writing.
Two components make up mobile applications: the actual incident report capability and the ability to provide look-ups to Federal, State, and local databases. The main reason to use mobile report writing software is to avoid undue litigation or embarrassing a department by failing to obtain information about all elements of a crime. One company has developed a Windows-based mobile report writing software that is database driven. It guides the officer to write the report. It is separated into two formats: confrontational or non-confrontational. It covers all aspects needed to reduce risk, liability, and/or prosecutorial challenges. A well-designed program has the ability to work in a stand-alone mode or as a component of a larger system. Integration is the main feature to look for because the information is layered; integration equates to speed and accuracy. Using nonintegrated field reports challenges the transfer of information into records. Customization is also important. Using the editing capabilities of the screenbuilder enables police officers to create a more efficient report by rearranging or deleting fields. The program should be flexible enough to accept components of a report in no particular order. It is important that the mobile field reporting segment works in the same way as the department’s records management system, with the same screens for seamless transition for users. The ability for an easy, reliable way to get a report from the laptop into the system is also desirable. Accessing data in real-time is another feature that is offered. This system allows the officer to complete the entire report, including supplements, as a paperless process. In procuring software, it is advised to choose a program that can be run mobile and nonconnected. Looking at all the features and options before buying can save departments time and money in the future.


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