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Model for Ranking the Punitiveness of the States

NCJ Number
Journal of Quantitative Criminology Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 217-232
W L Selke; S A Andersson
Date Published
16 pages
This paper presents a new model that uses logarithmic transformation to develop a system for ranking the punitiveness of the States.
Austin and Tillman (1988) ranked the States in punitiveness with the use of the primary measures of imprisonment rates (number of inmates in State prisons per 100,000 population), incarceration rates (State inmates plus jail inmates and juveniles in custody per 100,000), and total control rates (the above three groups plus those on parole and probation per 100,000). For various reasons explained in this paper, the current study used imprisonment rates as the primary measure of punitiveness. Given the theoretical and systemic relationships among crime rates, arrest rates, and imprisonment rates, the model incorporates reported crime and arrest rates in the analysis. Data for the analysis were from 1987 and consisted of the following information for each of the 51 jurisdictions: reported crime rates, arrest rates, and imprisonment rates. Results are presented in a table that ranks the States from the least punitive to the most punitive according to the use of the authors' model, Austin-Tillman ranking by imprisonment rate, and Austin-Tillman ranking by imprisonment/arrest rate. There is a high level of overall agreement across the three measurement models, but there are several cases in which the ranking of a State varies significantly across the three models. Reasons for this are examined. 3 tables, appended supplementary information, and 16 references


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